Adobe Audition Voice Effects

Recently, I have been getting a few comments on how I edit my audio, and more specifically, how I make it sound the way that it does. Ladies and Gentlemen. Bring professional depth to your audio projects with sound effects in Adobe Audition. From videos to podcasting, choose from hundreds of royalty-free sound effects that let you bring new tones, moods, or a touch of comedy to your recordings. Seriously, your best bet is to try and imitate the style you want-phrasing, pronunciation, etc. As best as you can. Then you can use tools like the Pitch Changer in Effects/Time and pitch to alter your voice into the same vocal range as the person you're imitating.

  1. Adobe Free Sound Effects Library
  2. Free Adobe Audition Sounds
  3. Adobe Sound Effects Free

This tutorial will show you how to import audio assets and use them in your podcast. We will also go over how to fade in and out and adjust audio levels of different clip segments.

Adobe Audition is the ideal piece of software for processing dialogue. It allows you to efficiently import and process audio in seconds. For some people, though, the interface and features of Audition can be daunting. If you're moving from Audacity, you need to learn how to handle the workflow and effects that come with Audition. In this tutorial, I'll show you the step-by-step process of.

If you are looking for supplementary audio files such as music and sound effects. Check out our Free Media Library. Here you can find additional audio assets that are free and at your disposal.

First, move all audio files you need in your project to the folder you created for your project. Your Auditon project will reference these files, so do not delete them after importing them.

Click File in the upper left of your screen.

Then hover your mouse over Import, and click File.

Select your audio assets. You can select as many as you want by holding Command (Mac) or Control (Windows) and clicking on each file you want.

Click open in the lower right corner of the window.

Adobe audition sound effects list

This will allow you to import audio files from your computer into your Audition project. You will want to import both music and sound effects this way for your podcast.

Your files will appear under Files panel on the top left of your screen.

To add music to your project, click on a music file and drag it into the music bed on your timeline.

Click and drag sound effects into the Sound FX track on your timeline.

Fade your Music and Sound FX

It is simple to fade in and out. Click and drag the little box icon on your music bed.

Adobe Free Sound Effects Library

The fade will be indicated by a thin yellow line.

You can do this at the end of your music track as well to fade out.

Edit Volume Using Keyframes

Here we will create keyframes to either raise or lower the volume without affecting the whole track.

First, click on your audio track and make sure it is highlighted. Then hover over the yellow volume line that runs horizontally down the middle of your music track. Make sure not to be clicking on the white Pan line which is also in the middle of the track. When you click on the line it will create a control point.

Click along the line for multiple control points.

Manually drag the control points up or down to raise or lower the audio.


Free Adobe Audition Sounds

You can also edit the volume of the whole audio track in the name panel next to the track. Usually, music is too loud when used underneath a voice track.

Adobe Sound Effects Free

To edit the volume of the whole track just click-and-drag on the left circle in the name panel and drag up or down.