Citrix Workspace Store

Citrix storefront
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Applicable Products

Citrix Workspace app for Windows (Store) is client software available that enables users to access virtual desktops and hosted applications delivered by Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops. It is available via the Windows Store. Citrix Workspace app can be used on domain and non-domain joined PCs, tablets, and thin clients. Provides high performance use of virtualized Skype for Business, line of business and HDX 3D Pro engineering apps, multimedia, local app access. Citrix Workspace provides users with unified, secure and reliable access to all apps and data on any device whether they are in company offices, working from home, or anywhere in between. Plus, deliver secure control of file sharing and storage with Citrix Content Collaboration Standard. I spent a lot of time to get the dual monitor setup going on Linux by using Citrix workspace thru a Chromium extension - installing Citrix workspace/receiver natively had other issues relating to getting 2 monitors going. Any thoughts/suggestions are greatly appreciated. About Citrix Workspace.

  • Citrix Workspace App

Symptoms or Error

This article is intended for Citrix administrators and technical teams only.Non-admin users must contact their company’s Help Desk/IT support team and can refer to CTX297149 for more information
Unable to add Store to Workspace App on Windows and Mac Client machines


Toggle on/off 'Client Choices' option from SessionProfile Action resolved the issue.
VPN Server was re-directing users to /vpns/choices.html page instead of /cli/setclient.html

Problem Cause

Corrupted SessionProfile Action in ADC config.

ADC syslogs:

ADC Counters

HTTP response from Gateway
Gta 5 windows 7.

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Citrix Storefront Store

Applicable Products

  • Citrix Workspace App

Symptoms or Error

This article is intended for Citrix administrators and technical teams only.Non-admin users must contact their company’s Help Desk/IT support team and can refer to CTX297149 for more information
Unable to add Store to Workspace App on Windows and Mac Client machines


Toggle on/off 'Client Choices' option from SessionProfile Action resolved the issue.
VPN Server was re-directing users to /vpns/choices.html page instead of /cli/setclient.html

Citrix Workspace Store Version


Problem Cause

Corrupted SessionProfile Action in ADC config.

Citrix Workspace Store

ADC syslogs:

Log In To Citrix Receiver

ADC Counters

HTTP response from Gateway