Md Format Cheat Sheet

Markdown is a lightweight and easy-to-use syntax for styling all forms of writing on the GitHub platform. ISSUE REFERENCES Any number that refers to an Issue or Pull Request will be automatically converted into a link. #1 defunkt#1 defunkt/github-flavored-markdown#1 GitHub supports emoji!:+1::sparkles::camel::tada::rocket::metal::octocat: GitHub supports emoji! uses its own version of. Markdown Cheat Sheet For MkDocs With Material Theme. Markdown is often used to format readme files, for writing messages in online discussion forums, and to create rich text using a plain text editor. As the initial description of Markdown contained ambiguities and unanswered questions, many implementations and extensions of Markdown. A cheat sheet for understanding and writing in Markdown and YAML.

What you will learn:

  • How the Markdown format makes styled collaborative editing easy
  • How Markdown differs from traditional formatting approaches
  • How to use Markdown to format text
  • How to leverage GitHub’s automatic Markdown rendering
  • How to apply GitHub’s unique Markdown extensions

What is Markdown?

Markdown is a way to style text on the web. You control the display of the document; formatting words as bold or italic, adding images, and creating lists are just a few of the things we can do with Markdown. Mostly, Markdown is just regular text with a few non-alphabetic characters thrown in, like # or *.

You can use Markdown most places around GitHub:

  • Comments in Issues and Pull Requests
  • Files with the .md or .markdown extension

For more information, see “Writing on GitHub” in the GitHub Help.


It's very easy to make some words bold and other words italic with Markdown. You can even link to Google!

Syntax guide

Here’s an overview of Markdown syntax that you can use anywhere on or in your own text files.





Md format cheat sheet template



SheetMd Format Cheat Sheet



Inline code

GitHub Flavored Markdown uses its own version of the Markdown syntax that provides an additional set of useful features, many of which make it easier to work with content on

Note that some features of GitHub Flavored Markdown are only available in the descriptions and comments of Issues and Pull Requests. These include @mentions as well as references to SHA-1 hashes, Issues, and Pull Requests. Task Lists are also available in Gist comments and in Gist Markdown files.

Syntax highlighting

Here’s an example of how you can use syntax highlighting with GitHub Flavored Markdown:

You can also simply indent your code by four spaces:

Here’s an example of Python code without syntax highlighting:

Task Lists

If you include a task list in the first comment of an Issue, you will get a handy progress indicator in your issue list. It also works in Pull Requests!


You can create tables by assembling a list of words and dividing them with hyphens - (for the first row), and then separating each column with a pipe |:

Would become:

First HeaderSecond Header
Content from cell 1Content from cell 2
Content in the first columnContent in the second column

SHA references

Any reference to a commit’s SHA-1 hash will be automatically converted into a link to that commit on GitHub.

Issue references within a repository

Any number that refers to an Issue or Pull Request will be automatically converted into a link.

Username @mentions

Typing an @ symbol, followed by a username, will notify that person to come and view the comment. This is called an “@mention”, because you’re mentioning the individual. You can also @mention teams within an organization.

Md format cheat sheet pdf

Automatic linking for URLs

Any URL (like will be automatically converted into a clickable link.


Any word wrapped with two tildes (like ~~this~~) will appear crossed out.


GitHub supports emoji!

To see a list of every image we support, check out the Emoji Cheat Sheet.

Last updated Jan 15, 2014

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Md Format Cheat Sheet Template

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Enjoy free downloads of these helpful ScutSheets for use on the Wards, as well as some great study aids for USMLE! Got a great ScutSheet? Share it!

Medicine Scutsheet - The favorite! Spotted on hospital wards from coast to coast! A double sided sheet to be folded in half that fits in your white coat pocket. Keep track of the Meds, Past medical history, labs, studies and more. A very nice general medicial scutsheet.
Medicine Scutsheet Style 2 - A fantastic looking single sided sheet that can be folded in half. Easy on the eyes and streamlined for rounds.
Detailed Medicine H&P Card with Daily Rounding Sheet- a very detailed 2 page H&P card with prompts for your daily rounds presentation with 3rd page dedicated to daily scut!
Medicine H&P Card -NEW a very detailed set of cards to keep track of all the details of your complicated Medicine patients. You can keep track of all the details with this card! Thanks to Michal
Complete H&P form!-Complete 3rd/4th year med student or intern H&P data sheet for collecting your info during call days, great for later reference too during rounds
Medicine H&P Card with daily Sheets also!-Complete 3rd/4th year med student style H&P card with accompaning daily form for those day to day activies on the ward, ICU or CCU (also get Page 2)
Medicine Heavy Duty Scutsheet-For those who love grids and small writing. The 1st 2 go back to back and the 3rd gets copied back to back with itself, then cut in half for adding more days.
Detailed H&P Sheet- a Detailed 2 page sheet for beginning students to use so they don't forget any key info while conducting their History and Physicals.
Medicine Resident Scutsheet - A scaled down card that lets the resident keep track of patients with enough detail, but not drowning in the daily vitals, and details that are more typical of interns. A double sided card that fits neatly in your pocket.
Medicine Resident Team Sheet - Lets the resident keep track of the daily census of the team, with checkboxes for To Dos on all the patients. Great for call nights.
CCU Scutsheet - Another variation of the classic Medfools Scutsheet, including information on EKGs, and a way to keep track of labs. Another 2 sided card, folds into your white coat pocket.
MICU Scutsheet- Tailored for the ICU environment, with emphasis on daily labs, ABGs, Vent settings. This is a modified version of the basic Scutsheet double sided sheet to be folded in half.

General Wards
Complete H&P form!-Complete 3rd/4th year med student or intern H&P data sheet for collecting your info during call days, great for later reference too during rounds
Signout Cards- Great little set of To Dos and general info for signouts

Pediatrics H&P Pocket Card- Great for medical students and interns. This pocket cheat sheet reminds you of all the little details when interviewing parents for admissions, including vaccinations, birth history, family history. Also gives you notes on writing a complete Assessment and Plan for your SOAP notes.
Peds Scutsheet - A double sided sheet to be folded in half to keep track and organize all the details related to your patients. Includes a focus on Vitals, I/Os, and Daily plans. Fits in your white coat.
Peds Notes - A fantastic, concise 20 page Peds Clerkship guide with tons of high yield general pediatrics notes, infectious diseases, and lots more!
Peds Notes #2 - Very quick review set of general concepts in pediatrics! Great to study from and take notes on.

Peds Week - An alternate sheet, great for clipboards! Enough space for all the H&P details, and a week's worth of daily details.

OB/GYN H&P Card- Keeps track of all the essentials for your Gs and Ps and IUPs! A very detailed and complete card keeps track of all systems for inpatient admissions.
OB/GYN Triage Flowsheets-NEW Another way to keep track of all those patients when running 'the board' on the L&D ward
OB/GYN Quick Call Sheet- When you're covering the L & D board at night, this could be a lifesaver!

OB/GYN H&P 4x6- Quick format card to keep in your pocket to remind you what to ask all your L and D patients

Psyke H&P Card- A double sided card based on our popular medicine Card! A Sure favorite!
Psyke H&P Card #2- A double sided card with tremendous detail for the psychiatry wards! Thanks to Ben
Psyke 2 part SOAP Card- A double sided 4x6 for med students taking their Psyke related H&Ps. Great review

Surgery Pre-Round ScutsheetNEWA scutsheet for surgery ward pre-rounds. Thanks Ryan

USMLE (click here to see a preview of our charts before downloading)
Medfools Bacteria Chart - An annual classic! Keeps track of all those darn gram negative/ positive rods, and cocci! A comprehensive list that is well formated and created for your USMLE or 1st Year classes. [386K]
Medfools Fungus Chart - Another great set of charts for all your fungi. Keep track of spore forming, branching hyphae and all the other disgusting details! A comprehensive list that is well formated and created for your USMLE or 1st Year classes. [187K ]

Medfools Parasites Chart - # 3 in a series! This is another well formated, clean chart that includes all the details for your study of those nasty little parasites, from worms to malaria, this list is all you need! A comprehensive list that is well formated and created for your USMLE or 1st Year classes. [202K]

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