Making an Image Fade to Transparent
'Until stoped by the user CTRL + BREAK End Sub Option Explicit Public Declare Sub Sleep Lib 'kernel32' (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) Sub Test 'Start the presentation ActivePresentation.SlideShowSettings.Run 'Change the value of the text box to String1 and fade in the text ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(1).TextFrame.TextRange.Text = 'String1' DoEvents 'Wait 2 secounds, fade out the Hello! Sting Sleep 2000 'Fade. My new quest is to animate objects to narration, fading them in, then out. And I was then hoping to fade it back in later. I can't seem to make Storyline do it. Each point needs to fade in and then fade out as the next point fades in. Start by applying any entrance animation of fade to the text by selecting the text placeholder (not the text itself) and Custom animation Add Effect Entrance Fade. All of these should be o'On Click' Use the little double drop down arrow to check this.
Here's how to make an image fade from normal to part transparent while another image fades in. If you just use the emphasis > transparency animation the transparency 'jumps' to x% with no fade effect. This give a fade to semi-transparent.
Fade In
Fade In Then Fade Out Powerpoint
Powerpoint Fade In And Out Same Slide
First insert the fade in image using insert> picture>from file. Give this picture an entrance animation of fade in custom animation.
Fade Out
Now insert the fade out image and copy and paste to get a second copy. (Diagram 1)
Give the top copy an exit fade and the bottom copy an emphasis > transparency of 75% (adjust to taste!). Both of these should be 'with previous'). Custom animation pane should look like Diagram 2.
Lastly use the align commands to place the top image exactly over the bottom image.
Powerpoint Fade In And Out Repeat
Nice effect! Download a sample here.